Tag: private company

High or Low? What Price Should You Put in the LOI?

I’m frequently asked about the “right” price to put in the letter of intent. As you will know, the LOI is an important milestone in the M&A process, because it establishes a “gentleman’s agreement” before the formal deal is settled.  You have yet to compete due diligence at this stage, and figuring out the right …

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Maximizing Your Resources with Privately Held, Not-for-Sale Acquisitions

Sprint has dropped its bid to acquire T-Mobile due to regulatory pressure. Large, public transactions must be reported and should be regulated by law, of course, but this is an unfortunate setback for Sprint. After investing resources putting together the deal and lobbying for months, the company must walk away from it because of external …

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In Facebook – WhatsApp Deal Strategy Trumps Numbers

Facebook announced it will buy WhatsApp for $19 billion on February 19, 2014. There is no way that I can, in any credible means, justify or explain the purchase price because it’s absurd in my opinion. WhatsApp has no advertising revenues and charges each of its 450 million active users a yearly fee of just …

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Bridging the Generation Gap

Do you work with your family? Navigating business politics and family dynamics can be tricky, especially when it comes to succession planning and determining the future of your business.  Below are some key areas to focus on when it comes to selling or transferring ownership of a family-owned business to the next generation. Valuation Make …

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How Long Does it Take to Sell A Private Company?

According to Business Valuation Resources, new analysis shows time needed to market and sell a privately held business is 211 days, up from 200 days in previous analysis. Todd Nelson, Capstone Valuation Advisor, weighs in on these observations: “There are many variables that impact the time it takes to complete a private company sale. Those …

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Why American Greetings is Going Private

At the beginning of April, American Greetings announced it was going private after being publicly traded since 1958. American Greetings has seen increased competition from both traditional competitors, like Hallmark, and from new competition, like social media. Here are the top three strategic advantages I see for American Greetings going private. 1)      Shed Costs Going private the …

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