Launching the New M&A Growth Bulletin

I am excited to announce the launch of our new quarterly newsletter, The M&A Growth Bulletin. This newsletter will deliver essential guidance on growth through M&A along with tips and tactics drawn directly from successful transactions completed in the market.

In the first issue of The M&A Growth Bulletin, we will address five common objections leaders have to M&A and how you can use acquisitions to accelerate your growth. The newsletter will also include tips for strategic growth and highlight interesting deals in the news. These valuable articles will be published exclusively for the M&A Growth Bulletin and accessible by subscribers for free.

The first issue will be published at the beginning of September. Subscribe now if you’d like to have The M&A Growth Bulletin delivered straight to your inbox each quarter.

Photo Credit: Barn Images, Modification: “M&A Growth Bulletin” text and M&A U™ logo added by Capstone Strategic, Inc